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November 8th 2019

Road to Nowhere

When you ask for directions in some remoter parts of the U.K. the response you might get is an unhelpful “well, I wouldn’t start from here”. After a week of official campaigning for 2019’s Winter...
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October 30th 2019

Casino Boogie

As an early Christmas present, Parliament has granted the British public their say. On who will form the next Government, on what will happen on Brexit, on which MPs will spend Boxing Day filling out...
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October 23rd 2019

Life is a Cabaret

Boris Johnson recalled Parliament on a Saturday because, for all his faults and flaws, he is a talented political dramatist. Having secured a deal - remarkably, it has to be acknowledged - the Prime Minister...
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October 2nd 2019

This Ole House

The overwhelming impression of many onlookers, left as an imprint after both main party conferences, is one of unreality. The holding pattern on Brexit is responsible for this strange dislocation. You instinctively feel that something...
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September 27th 2019

Gangsta's Paradise

“Nice constitutional democracy you’ve got there... shame if anything happened to it.” Not a direct quote from the Prime Minister, obviously. But a flavour of the sentiment, if you listen to the anger and...
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July 25th 2019

We’re The Kids In America

What if you don’t want to be a ‘Prime Minister for all the country’? What if you’ve worked out that you don’t need to be? What if you’ve looked across the Atlantic and observed that...
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July 23rd 2019

King of Pain

Are you feeling ‘energetic’? Are you a ‘dude’? Are you ready to let sunshine rule the day? In a surprise to no-one, Boris Johnson has won the leadership of the Conservative Party and, with it...
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July 22nd 2019

We All Live In A Yellow Submarine

So there we are, there is now only one major British political party to have never been led by a woman. Jo Swinson has won her party’s top prize and will lead the Lib Dems...
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June 26th 2019

I Believe in Miracles

There are two separate major doubts niggling the Johnson campaign. They are linked but they are not the same. The first concerns Mr. Johnson’s private life. Or his ‘character’ as his colleagues have decided to...
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June 21st 2019

Wacky Races

One of Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt will be installed as our next Prime Minister at the end of July. Conservative MPs have had their say - whittling ten candidates down to two - and...
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June 20th 2019

Oh What A Circus, Oh What A Show

The show is over, the big top is emptying, and the would-be lion tamer is back off to his caravan to lick his wounds. Rory Stewart has had an incredible leadership run. He only joined...
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June 18th 2019

Inside the leadership race

Written by Lodestone Associate Andrew Gimson, Contributing Editor to ConservativeHome, and author of Boris: The Adventures of Boris Johnson Boris Johnson’s critics within the parliamentary Conservative party, who are numerous, have made such a hash...
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June 7th 2019

Flushed Away

You know that an event has not gone well for a politician if they spend it hiding in a toilet to avoid the press. It’s an old trick and effective, in its way - but...
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