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July 8th 2020

Money For Nothing

Rishi Sunak framed his statement on economic recovery today as a question ‘not just of economics, but of values’. The Chancellor is so committed to Britain building back from the pandemic that he will pay...
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We Built This City
July 3rd 2020

We Built This City

“We are doubling down on levelling up - if you can make sense of that.” So spoke our Prime Minister in his ‘New Deal’ speech this week. He read it out. From a script that...
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George floyd riot dallas protests texas
June 5th 2020

This is America

In his inauguration speech, Donald Trump promised that he would end the ‘American carnage’ that he and his supporters perceived as the ruination of their nation. It is not a partisan or particularly controversial observation...
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May 26th 2020

Thinnest Of Air

Authority, in politics, is like oxygen in respiration. It is essential and invisible and whilst you can’t physically see the lack of it, you can sure feel it. This Government is experiencing a crisis of...
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Ve Day Celebrations
May 1st 2020

Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy

The anniversary of VE day falls next Friday and the British public will be enjoying a well-earned bank holiday to celebrate (finally, a day at home for everyone!). You can expect an abundance of commentary...
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April 3rd 2020

Phoenix From The Flame

One reason for the lack of excitement about the results of Labour’s internal elections - to be announced on Saturday - is that it feels a bit like this is a Schrodinger’s poll. Keir Starmer...
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March 20th 2020

A change is gonna come

Now is not the time to pretend to be an epidemiologist or a doctor or even a behavioural scientist. Amateur hour has passed, and what we need now is expertise. So, on whether the...
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March 18th 2020

How to influence policy remotely

With it looking increasingly likely that face to face meetings, for the next few months at least, will become a thing of the past, we have been considering how experts can continue to influence policy...
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Money note
March 11th 2020

What You Want? Baby I Got It

Most people don’t think about politics very much. And they certainly don’t have anything so bizarre as an ideology. They judge as they find. They don’t feel compelled to impose a philosophical framework, they...
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Wooden mannequin wooden mannequin puppet handling pressure problems marionette 876249 jpgd 1024x683
March 9th 2020

Puppet on a String

For most modern chancellors their budget - particularly their first budget - has been very much their day. What is their vision for the British economy? What are their priorities and their foibles? What...
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February 14th 2020

Chasing The Crown

In 1964, Harold Wilson sent his deputy leader, George Brown, to head up a brand-new Department of Economic Affairs. The idea was to finally break the stranglehold of the Treasury on British Government. Its duties...
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Brexit note
January 31st 2020

Do you feel lucky?

It is over. At eleven o’clock this evening Britain formally leaves the European Union. Three years of uncertainty, of political chaos, of anger and distrust arrives at its conclusion. In Parliament Square a band will...
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