Nick kane 8 E2 CT1x NEJ4 unsplash
December 8th 2023

We’re all born naked and the rest is drag

It takes charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent to become Prime Minister, normally. It also takes ambition. You have to really, really want it in order to get it. The hoops through which you will have...
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PHOTO 2023 11 13 18 17 01
November 13th 2023

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Back in October, Rishi Sunak claimed - to a slightly baffled Conservative Party Conference audience - that his government was a change government. Politics had been broken for thirty years. Rishi and his band of...
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Marcin nowak i Xq Tq C f6j I unsplash
November 3rd 2023

Broken State

In shocking news to us all, it was revealed, this week that our government was almost comically badly run during the pandemic. We say ‘almost comically’ because when one sets aside the mutual loathing, the...
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Unseen histories 4us w Uw O30 unsplash
October 20th 2023

The Only Thing They Fear Is You

Today’s by-election results are un-spinnably terrible for the Conservative Party. Yes, Greg Hands might be bouncing around TV studios putting a brave (courageous, Sir Humphrey might say) face on it. But make no mistake, Tamworth...
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Screenshot 2023 10 11 at 13 48 52
October 11th 2023

A Working Class Hero Is Something To Be

Keir Starmer made the intent of his leader’s speech explicitly clear at the outset and in the surrounding briefings. His plan for Labour had always had three, distinct stages. First, he wanted to fix the...
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Ivan jevtic p7mo8 CG5 Gs unsplash
October 6th 2023

A New Flower of Scotland

If you find yourself on the Glasgow to Liverpool train today, don’t be surprised if you find a couple of battle-hardened Labour activists popping the M&S prosecco amongst the ubiquitous hen dos and lads weekends...
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Benjamin lehman 6 X Lrdee Iv A unsplash
October 5th 2023

Rogue Trader

Imagine your house needs an extension. You find a builder, you commission plans, you battle your council for permission, and you’re ready to go. Down comes your back wall, the kitchen is stripped out, foundations...
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Luke tanis c Pm7 A Xs21 U unsplash
September 22nd 2023

Any Old Iron

How many bins is too many bins? Rishi Sunak believes the answer to that crucial question is ‘7’. And now that he is Prime Minister he is very clear that he will wield his power...
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Kenny eliason z F So6bn ZJ Tw unsplash
September 4th 2023

Back to School

Another brick in the wall After the summer season of exam results, today the moment finally came when the shadow front bench were presented with their grades by Head Master Starmer....
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Prashant gurung 5l A7dgpd H Ig unsplash
July 21st 2023

A Swing and a Miss

By-elections don’t really tell you anything about the likely outcome of a general election, except when they do. There are a range of factors that might make one take the results in Selby, Somerton and...
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Mr cup fabien barral Mwuod2cm8g4 unsplash
July 7th 2023

Super-Massive Black Hole

Sometimes, however unfairly, the past cannot be kept in the past. It rears its ugly head in the mirror - often at the moment it is least welcome. This is as true in politics as...
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Jordhan madec AD5yl D2 T0 UY unsplash 1
June 23rd 2023

“I’m totally, 100% on it.”

Not, this time, fizzy beverages for our self-declared “total Coke addict” PM. No. This week, Sunak has been reassuring the nation - in the style of a particularly desperate Apprentice contestant - that he is...
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